Inversion is now FREE! Recently a young soldier was killed in Afghanistan - doing what he thought was right and proper to make the world a better place. He was the son of a close colleague of mine. His death personalises the ´madness´ that exists in this world. I desperately want to move the message of Inversion along. This book needs to travel quickly and far and making it free may help. It´s worth a try. Please have a read and see if it can make a difference - it has to many already. Thanks.
´Inversion´ is about a concept. It is a different way of thinking. It is an alternate way of processing what is in front of each of us and coming up with a fresh perspective.
This book is for everyone. People who don´t normally read a lot are picking it up and giving it a go. It continues to be described as thought-provoking, practical and very readable.
It will make you think where you stand on the big issues affecting our world today.
´Inversion´ is turning a familiar image upside down and seeing it from a new perspective. The answer is often right in front of us.
Gary Fettke is a surgeon, cancer survivor and environmentalist who discusses our desperate need to respect our fragile planet with a unique approach to problem solving, conflict resolution and global health: ´Inversion´.
He spends his professional life explaining complex medical problems and simplifying them into lay terms with simple answers. World Peace and Global Health are just another two complex problems.
´Inversion´ challenges prevailing ideologies on life, science, politics and religion. It is an uncomplicated exploration addressing issues affecting our lives in this chaotic world today.
´Inversion´ can empower the individual to start making changes that will affect your daily life, your family unit, your workplace and the wider environment. Together it can have a global reach.
´Inversion´ was never intended as a lengthy tome. It is a Sound Bite that puts complex problems into lay terms with a simple answer.
There is a simple answer for World Peace and Global Health.
He cannot do it by himself. He needs your help.
´If you are up for a bit of mental stretching, the thing is to DO IT.Take one of his short chapters and put his idea to work. INVERT your thinking. Let the implications gradually break you out of old perceptual habits. Develop a new habit - that of refusing to be limited to old thought patterns. And see if it doesn´t change everything.´
Foreword by STEVE BIDDULPH, the author of Manhood, The Secret of Happy Children and Raising Boys.
Gary Fettke´s latest work is on the contribution of Fructose and Polyunsaturated Fats in our diet combining to create the inflammatory environment for the development of ´Modern´ diseases.
Visit him at
Facebook: Gary Fettke No Fructose
Twitter: Gary Fettke